- The fprintf command in MATLAB Programming use to displays formatted text which is centered on the icon and this fprint function can display formatSpec with a contents of var.
in MATLAB can be a character vector with the single quotes, or a string scalar.
Formatting for the fprint function in MATLAB : -
- formatting is starts with the a percentage sign, % and it will end with the conversion character.
- Remember conversion character is required in formatting Operator.
- But you can use the flags, field , identifier,width, and subtype,precision operators between % and conversion character.
List for the Conversion Character
![]() |
Conversion Character in MATLAB |
Example of fprint function in MATLAB
The command fprintf('YES YES'); displays this text 'YES YES' on the icon. The follow command fprintf('YES YES = %d',16); uses the decimal notation format (%d) to display the variable 16.
Using fprintf in MATLAB With Function
Let's see this example for define a function in MATLAB : -
function []= fun2let(n) if n > 90.00 fprintf('>>letter grade to %d is:A+\n',n) elseif n<=89.49 && n>=80.00 fprintf('>>letter grade to %d is:B+\n',n) % YOU COMPLETE YOUR FUNCTION WITH OTHER TESTS elseif n<59.5 % grade='Fail' fprintf('>> letter grade to %d is:Fail\n',n) end end