These all are the in-build function in python to manipulate on python set. These functions will reduce the time and program complexity.
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Python In Build Function To Manipulate On Python Set |
add() function in python: -
add() method add the element to the python set. If the element already exists, then add() function does not add the element to the python set.
Syntax : -
clear() function in python: -
add() method removes all the elements from the specified python set.
Syntax : -
copy() function in python: -
copy() function copies the set in python programming.
Syntax : -
difference() function in python: -
difference() function returns a set that contains the difference between two sets.
Syntax : -
it can also be shown as A ∩ B set A has some element that doesn't exist in set B.
difference update() function in python: -
difference_update() function in python removes the common element in both sets. it gives you a new without unwanted elements.
Syntax : -
discard() function in python: -
discard() function in python remove the specified element for the set in python.
Syntax : -
intersection() function in python: -
As set theory says intersection() function gives a set that contains the similarity between two or more sets.
Syntax : -
set.intersection(set1, set2 ... etc)
intersection update() function in python: -
intersection_update() function in python removes the items that are not present in both sets.
Syntax : -
set.intersection_update(set1, set2 ... etc)
isdisjoint() function: -
isdisjoint() in python gives true if none of the items are present in both sets, otherwise, it returns False.
Syntax : -
issubset(): -
issubset() method for python returns True if all items in the set exist in the specified set otherwise it returns False.
Syntax : -
issuperset() Method for python set :-
issuperset() method for python returns True if all items of specified set exist in the original set otherwise it returns False.
Syntax : -
pop() Method for python set:-
pop() function removes a random item from the set and returns the removed item.
Syntax : -
remove() python set:-
remove() function removes the specified element from the set and raise an error if the specified item does not exist.
Syntax : -
symmetric_difference() method returns a set that contains all items from both sets, but not the items that are present in both sets.
Syntax : -
symmetric_difference_update() method in python set function updates the original set by removing items that are present in both sets and inserting the other items.
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Python Set union() Method:-
According to the math set theory union(), method returns a set that contains all items from the original set, and also all elements from the specified sets.
Syntax : -
set.union(set1, set2...)
update() Method in python:-
update() python set function update the set by adding items from another set. If one item is present in both sets, only one appearance of this item will be present in the updated set.
Syntax : -
set.union(set1, set2...)