Showing posts with label isgraph() function in c. Show all posts
Showing posts with label isgraph() function in c. Show all posts

Monday, March 1, 2021

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Example program for isgraph in c

 The isgraph() function in c use to checks that given character is a graphic character or not.

What is graphic character:- Characters which have graphical representation are call as graphic characters. 

isgraph in c return the non zero integer if passed argument is an 
graphic character otherwise returns 0.

Syntax for isgraph in c 

int isgraph(int argument);

 Example program to Check graphic character with help of isgraph in c


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main()
    char c;
    int result;

    c = ' ';
    result = isgraph(c);
    printf("When %c is passed to isgraph() = %d\n", c, result);

    c = '\n';
    result = isgraph(c);
    printf("When %c is passed to isgraph() = %d\n", c, result);

    c = '9';
    result = isgraph(c);
    printf("When %c is passed to isgraph() = %d\n", c, result);  


When   is passed to isgraph() = 0
 is passed to isgraph() = 0
When 9 is passed to isgraph() = 1