Friday, February 26, 2021

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Example program for isupper() function in c

As it's name says isupper() function in c programming checks whether given character is an uppercase alphabet (A-Z) or not.

C isupper() syntax : - 

int isupper(int argument);
  • isupper() function takes a single argument in the form of int.
  • Given argument converted into to its ASCII for the check.
  •  isupper() define in <ctype.h> header file.

 C isupper() Function Return Value


isupper in c
isupper in c

Example program for C isupper() function

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main()
    char c;

    c = 'C';
    printf("Return value when uppercase character %c is passed to isupper(): %d", c, isupper(c));

    c = '+';
    printf("\nReturn value when another character %c is passed to is isupper(): %d", c, isupper(c));

   return 0;

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Example program for isalnum() function in c

 The isalnum() function in C use to checks given argument  is an alphanumeric character (alphabet or number) or not.

Syntax : -

int isalnum(int argument);

This function is define in ctype.h header file.

Return Value For isalnum() function in c

it return 1 if given argument in program is an alphanumeric character.

isalnum() function return 0 if given argument in program is not an alphabet or a digit.

Example program for isalnum() function in c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main()
    char c;
    int result;

    c = '5';
    result = isalnum(c);
    printf("When %c is passed, return value is %d\n", c, result);

    c = 'Q';
    result = isalnum(c);
    printf("When %c is passed, return value is %d\n", c, result);

    c = 'l';
    result = isalnum(c);
    printf("When %c is passed, return value is %d\n", c, result);

    c = '+';
    result = isalnum(c);
    printf("When %c is passed, return value is %d\n", c, result);

    return 0;


 Output of Program

  • When 5 is passed, return value is 1
  • When Q is passed, return value is 1
  • When l is passed, return value is 1
  • When + is passed, return value is 0



Thursday, February 25, 2021

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Example Program for isdigit() in c - Function in c

 isdigit() function in C programming use to checks whether a character is numeric character (0-9) or not.

 Prototype of isdigit() Function in C

int isdigit( int arg );

  • isdigit() function in c programming take a single argument which is an integer and return type int.
  • Given character is converted to its ASCII value in isdigit() Function
  • It is defined in <ctype.h> header file in c.

Return value for C isdigit()

isdigit() Return value in c
 isdigit() Return value in c

Example Program for isdigit() function in c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main()
    char c;
    printf("Result when numeric character is passed: %d", isdigit(c));

    printf("\nResult when non-numeric character is passed: %d", isdigit(c));

    return 0;


Result when numeric character is passed: 1
Result when non-numeric character is passed: 0



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Example program for isalpha in c - Function In C

 The isalpha() function in  programming is used to check whether a character is an alphabet or not.

If a character is prove that it is an is an alphabet with the help of isalpha() function in c then it return non zero integer otherwise it gives zero. 

This function is define in the <ctype.h> header file in c.

C isalpha() Prototype

int isalpha(int argument);

isalpha() function in c takes a single argument in the form of integer and give an integer value.

Return Value For isalpha() in C

Return Value For isalpha()
Return Value For isalpha()

Example Program: C isalpha() function

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main()
    char c;
    c = 'Q';
    printf("\nResult when uppercase alphabet is passed: %d", isalpha(c));

    c = 'q';
    printf("\nResult when lowercase alphabet is passed: %d", isalpha(c));

    printf("\nResult when non-alphabetic character is passed: %d", isalpha(c));

    return 0;
Result when uppercase alphabet is passed: 1
Result when lowercase alphabet is passed: 2
Result when non-alphabetic character is passed: 0 

Monday, December 21, 2020

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r plot program example and how to use it.

 R Plot Function is used to plot a graph in r programming in this r function we can vector and then we get a graph which is about  magnitude vs index.

r plot function has so many method which is called according to the passed value to this r plot function.

For example we pass two vector plot(c(1,2),c(3,5)) and then this function plot a scatter graph for these two point.

here we plot graph for sine function form range -pi to pi as you can see in this picture.

<- pi="" plot="" pre="" seq="" sin="" x="">x <- seq(-pi,pi,0.1) plot(x, sin(x))


R Plot Function
 R Plot Function

Adding Titles and Labeling Axes to the r plot function

Here you can add title and label to the with parameter main and xlab and ylab two parameter for labeling x-axis and y-axis in plot graph.

plot(x, sin(x),
main="The Sine Function",


Axes to the r plot function
Labeling Axes to the r plot function

 Changing Color and Plot Type for r function : -

 Well you can change the color for plot type with the help of the argument type in r languages.

Check out the example for r plot with color:- 

plot(x, sin(x),
main="The Sine Function",

 here we can define the color with col


changing Color and Plot Type
changing Color and Plot Type


Friday, December 18, 2020


Use of clrscr function in c with example

 clrscr function in C programming is use to clear the screen and move the arrow upper left-hand corner of your computer screen.

this function work only for the GCC compiler otherwise use clear/cls command.

Example program for clrscr function in c


int main()
   printf("Press any key to clear the screen.\n");



   printf("This appears after clearing the screen.\n");
   printf("Press any key to exit...\n");

   return 0;

As you can see with the help of printf function computer is asking to press any key to clear the screen and then the second message will be displayed.


Example program for pow function in c

 pow function c programming is use to computer the power of a given number to the function.

pow() c function takes two arguments first one is known as base and second one as power value and pow() c function return a base with the power raised to that base number.

Syntax for pow() c

[Mathematics] xy = pow(x, y) [In programming]

pow c function defines under the math.h header file in c.

If you want to find the pow of any int and float number then convert the operator type into the double.

int base = 3;
int power = 5;
pow(double(base), double(power));

Example for C pow() function

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    double base, power, result;

    printf("Enter the base number: ");
    scanf("%lf", &base);

    printf("Enter the power raised: ");

    result = pow(base,power);

    printf("%.1lf^%.1lf = %.2lf", base, power, result);

    return 0;

program output for pow function in c
program output for pow function in c