Learn about string function in c programming and how to perform various operation on string. We will use pre-defined function to perform those operation on the string in c programming .
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string function like strcmp, strcpy, strlen and more in c |
You will learn about how to compare two stings (strcmp function), concatenate strings (strcat function), copy (strcpy function) and many more operations using a pre-define function in c programming lets start with function.
First Declare String in c programming : -
Method 1 -
char address[]={'T', 'E', 'X', 'A', 'S', '\0'};
Method 2 -
char address[]="Function In Programming";
NULL character (\0) automatically at the end of any string.
strlen String Function in c -
size_t strlen(const char *str)
size_t represents unsigned short
strlen function uses to count the length of any string without end character in c programming.
#include#include int main() { char str1[20] = "Function in programming"; printf("Length of string str1: %d", strlen(str1)); return 0; }
sizeof function in c programming returns the value of total allocated size which is assigned in the array.
strnlen String Function in c -
Syntax for strnlen -
size_t strnlen(const char *str, size_t maxlen)
size_t represents unsigned short
This function returns the length of a string if it is less than the value specified for maxlen (maximum length) otherwise it returns maxlen value.
Example -
#include#include int main() { char str1[20] = "functioninc"; printf("Length of string str1 when maxlen is 30: %d", strnlen(str1, 30)); printf("Length of string str1 when maxlen is 10: %d", strnlen(str1, 10)); return 0; }
Output -
String length is 13 when maxlen is 30
String length is 10 when maxlen is 10
In the second string maxlen is 10 so its gives 10.
strcmp String Function in c -
strcmp function compare two string and give integer value. If both string are same then it gives 0 otherwise it may return negative and positive values depends on the comparison.
Example -
#include#include int main() { char s1[20] = "functioninprogramming"; char s2[20] = "functioninc"; if (strcmp(s1, s2) ==0) { printf("string 1 and string 2 are equal"); }else { printf("string 1 and 2 are different"); } return 0; }
- strncmp String Function in c -
int strncmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, size_t n)
size_t represents unsigned short
strncmp function compare two string for first n character for both string.
Example -
#include#include int main() { char s1[20] = "program"; char s2[20] = "program"; /* below it is comparing first 8 characters of s1 and s2*/ if (strncmp(s1, s2, 7) ==0) { printf("string 1 and string 2 are equal"); }else { printf("string 1 and 2 are different"); } return 0; }
Both strings are same
strcat String Function in c -
char *strcat(char *str1, char *str2)
This function merge two string and return concatenated string.
Example -
#include#include int main() { char s1[10] = "Hello"; char s2[10] = "World"; strcat(s1,s2); printf("Output string after concatenation: %s", s1); return 0; }
strncat String Function in c -
Example -
#include#include int main() { char s1[10] = "Hello"; char s2[10] = "World"; strncat(s1,s2, 3); printf("Concatenation using strncat: %s", s1); return 0; }
Hellowor ( Where n is 3)
strcpy String Function in c -
char *strcpy( char *str1, char *str2)
This function use to copy string str2 in str1 with (terminator char /0)
Example -
#include#include int main() { char s1[30] = "string 1"; char s2[30] = "string 2 : I’m gonna copied into s1"; /* this function has copied s2 into s1*/ strcpy(s1,s2); printf("String s1 is: %s", s1); return 0; }
String s1 is
string 2 : I’m gonna copied into s1
strncpy String Function in c -
size_t is unassigned n number.
This function has two cases: -
Case 1 : - str2 > n then it just copies n number of character in str1 from str2.
Case 2 : - str2<n then it copies all the character in str1 from str2 and appends several terminator chars(‘\0’) in empty space because n is greater the str2.
Example of strncpy:
#include#include int main() { char first[30] = "string 1"; char second[30] = "string 2: I’m using strncpy now"; /* this function has copied first 10 chars of s2 into s1*/ strncpy(s1,s2, 12); printf("String s1 is: %s", s1); return 0; }
str1 is
I’m using st
strchr String Function in c -
Example of strchr : -
#include#include int main() { char mystr[30] = "this is it"; printf ("%s", strchr(mystr, 'i')); return 0; }
Output : -
strchr gives it from mystr for i.
strrchr String Function in c -
#include#include int main() { char mystr[30] = "this is it"; printf ("%s", strrchr(mystr, 'f')); return 0; }
Output : -
strchr gives it from mystr for i.
strstr String Function in c -
char *strstr(char *str, char *srch_term)
strstr function is similar to the strchr, the only difference is that it searches for a string instead of single char like strchr.
Example for strstr : -
#include#include int main() { char inputstr[70] = "String in C at funcationinprogramming.com"; printf ("Output string is: %s", strstr(inputstr, 'func')); return 0; }
Output : -
String is funcationinprogramming
These all are the string functions in c programming you can learn about them and make a use of them to save time in programming.
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