This tutorial will help you to teach you about all file handling in c programming which is comes under the stdio.h header file.
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Learn about all stdio.h headerfile function in c programming |
clearerr function in c programming : -
clearerr() function in c programming use to clear the error and end-of-file which is given by the pointer stream as shown in syntax
Syntax :-
void clearerr(FILE *stream);
fclose function in c programming : -
fcolse() function in c use to close all buffer and unwanted written data in stream pointed by *stream.
Syntax : -
int fclose(FILE *stream);
fefo() function in c programming : -
fefo() function in c programming is used to validate for end of file is reached or not.Syntax : -
int feof(FILE *stream);
ferror() function in c programming : -
ferror() function in c programming is used to check error indecator for a stream pointer to by steam.
Syntax : -
int ferror(FILE *stream);
fflush() function in c programming : -
fflush() function in c use for file headling it is used to flush/clear the file and buffer.
Syntax : -
int fflush(FILE *stream);
fgetc() function in c programming : -
fgetc() function in c use in file headling.It is used to read a line in from the specified file and store it into a string. It stops when either n-1 character is read or newline character is read and end of file is reached.
Syntax : -
int fgetc(FILE *stream);
fgetpos() function in c programming : -
fgetpos() function in c programming use to store the current position of stream into a defined object pointed by pos.Syntax : -
int fgetpos(FILE *stream, fpos_t *pos);
fgets() function in c programming : -
fgets() function in c programming use to read the character from the file pointed by stream. It stops when either n-1 character is read or newline character is read and end of file is reached.Syntax : -
char *fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream);
fopen() function in c programming : -
fgets() function in c programming use to open a file to perform various operations like writting, reading etc.Syntax: -
FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode);
fprintf() function in c programming : -
fprintf() function in c programming language is used to write a formatted output to stream.Syntax : -
int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
fputc() function in c programming : -
fputc() function in c language is used to write a character into a file. This function writes on character at a time and move the pointer where the next character is going to write.Syntax : -
int fputc(int c, FILE *stream);
fputs() function in c programming : -
fputs() function in c language is used to write a string into a file. It accepts two arguments pointer to string and file pointer.Syntax : -
int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream);
fread() function in c programming : -
fread() function in c language is used to read the data from pointed file and store in a pointer *ptr.Syntax : -
size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
freopen() function in c programming : -
freopen() function in c language is used to open an new file associated it with stream in c programming and also close old file in the stream.Syntax:-
FILE *freopen(const char *filename, const char *mode, FILE *stream);
fscanf() function in c programming : -
fscanf() function in c programming is used to read the formatted output.Syntax : -
int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
fseek() function in c programming : -
fseek() function in c language is use to move the file pointer position to the given position.Syntax : -
int fseek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int whence);
fsetpos() function in c programming : -
fsetpos() function in c language is use to move the file position to given indicated location for the stream. It also reset the indecator at the end-of-file.Syntax : -
int fsetpos(FILE *stream, const fpos_t *pos);
ftell() function in c programming : -
fsetpos() function in c programming language is use to return the current position of file for the stream pointed by stream.Syntax : -
long int ftell(FILE *stream);
fwrite() function in c programming : -
fwrite() function in c language is use to write nmemb into a pointed file in c program.Syntax : -
size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
fwrite() function in c programming : -
fwrite() function work as same as fread() function in c programming these function use to read a character from the stream pointed to by stream.Syntax : -
int getc(FILE *stream);
getc() function in c programming : -
getc() function in c programming read the characters from c file stdin stream.Syntax : -
int getchar(void);
getc() function return the read character
gets() function in c programming : -
gets() function in c programming read the characters and store into a pointer *sSyntax : -
char *gets(char *s);
gets() function return s
perror() function in c programming : -
perror() function in c is very important function this function send a error message to stderr stream into following format:-string: error-message
Syntax : -
void perror(const char *s);
putc() function in c programming : -
putc() function is used to display a characters on standard output or it use to write into a file in c programming.Syntax : -
int putc(int c, FILE *stream);
putc() function return the write character
putchar() function in c programming : -
putchar() function in c programming use to write a character into the stdout stream or output stream.Syntax : -
int putchar(int c);
puts() function in c programming : -
putchar() function in c programming use to write a string into a stdout file in c.Syntax : -
int puts(const char *s);
it return the non negative value if successful.
remove() function in c programming : -
remove() function in c programming use to remove a file which is pointed by filename in c.
Syntax : -
int remove(const char *filename);
it return the zero if file remove successful.
rename() function in c programming : -
rename() function in c use to rename a specified file in c. You have to close that file before rename it because a file can not be renamed if that file is open.
Syntax : -
int rename(const char *old, const char *new);
it return the zero if file renamed successfully.
rewind() function in c programming : -
rename() function in c programming set the file position to the beginning of the file for the stream pointed ny the stream.
Syntax : -
void rewind(FILE *stream);
setbuf() function in c programming : -
setbuf() function in c programming let you changed the way of buffered and also let you set the size and location of the buffer otherwise it takes default values in c.
Control buffer : -
(void) setvbuf(stream, buf, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
default buffer : -
(void) setvbuf(stream, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
Syntax : -
void setbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf);
tmpfile() function in c programming : -
tmpfile() function in c programming creates the temporary file.
temporary file will be deleted if you close that file or at the end of the programs.
Syntax : -
FILE *tmpfile(void);
tmpnam() function in c programming : -
tmpfile() function in c programming gives a name to the temporary file.If the argument is a null pointer, then it store an static file name otherwise it store the changed file name into s.
Syntax : -
char *tmpnam(char *s);
These all are the file handling in c programming which is going to use in stdio.h header file before using it don't forget to include the stdio.h header file on the head.
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